一、 基本情况
联系方式:手机:13870951009, Email:yypeng@jxnu.edu.cn
彭以元,男,博士,1964年2月生。 致公党党员,江西师范大学二级教;有机化学、化学生物学博士生导师;有机化学、应用化学、生物科学、生态学、化学工程硕士生导师。曾任生命科学学院院长、化学化工学院院长、功能有机小分子教育部重点实验室主任、 现任江西省绿色化学重点实验室主任。江西省政协第九届、十届、十一届、十二届会员;江西省欧美同学会、江西省留学人员联谊会第一届理事,第二届常务理事;江西省省人民政府第一、二届学科评议组成员、中国化学会理事、江西省化学化工学会副理事长,获江西省优秀研究生指导教师荣誉称号;入选赣鄱“555”领军人才、江西省新世纪百千万人才工程、江西省高等学校中青年学科带头人,省政府津贴获得者。获省部自然科学三等奖2项。主要从事化学生物学、有机药物合成、有机硅化学、硅基动力电池电解质研究。近年来主持完成国家自然科学基金8项、国家与地区国际合作项目1项,省级项目十余项,发表SCI论文200余篇,授权专利8项,培养硕士研究生80余人,博士研究生10余人。
1981.9~1985.7 江西师范大学化学系学习。
1985.9~1988.12 上海有机化学研究所攻读硕士研究生,师从蒋锡夔院士和赵成学教授。
1988.12~1990.4 上海有机所从事研究工作。
1990. 5~1994.6 江西省化工研究所从事有机硅产品开发、应用研究。
1995.7~2000.9 江西师范大学化学系,从事有机硅化学、含氟氮氧自由基化学和量子化学计算的基础研究和教学工作。
2000.9~2003.6 在南开大学化学学院化学系读在职博士,师从程津培院士。
2003.7~ 2009.4 江西师范大学化学化工学院工作,任化学化工学院副院长、江西省
2009.5~2014.8 江西师范大学生命科学学院工作,任院长,功能有机小分子教育
部重点实验室主任(其中2013.9-2014.2 在Illinois 大学芝加哥分校访
2014.9~2020.6 在江西师范大学化学化工学院工作,任院长。
2020.07~至今 在江西师范大学江西省绿色化学重点实验室工作,任主任。
1. 省自然科学基金项目:基于喹唑啉氮氧偶极子导向碳氢活化串联环化反应合成杂环化合物的研究(20171BAB203006)
2. 2017年完成赣鄱“555”创新人才
3. 2013年完成化学生物学分支平台--澡类天然产物小分子研发
4. 2016年水溶性多功能氨基聚醚改性硅油研制
5. 2016年完成江西省自然科学基金:α-synuclein淀粉蛋白的有机小分子探针的合成筛选
6. 2016年完成江西省重点平台项目:化学生物学开发研究方向·
7. 2015年完成江西省支撑项目:巯基氨基多功能改性硅油及乳液研制
8. 2015年完成江西省教育厅科技项目:N-杂环卡宾直接催化有机反应研究
9. 2005-2007 江西省重点工业攻关项目:有机硅氟改性材料的研制
10. 2012完成省自然科学基(20122BAB203007 )导向偶联合成多芳基取代的喹唑啉衍生物
11. 2007年完成国际合作项目:PET技术诊断脑病
12. 2005-2007 江西省重点工业攻关项目:有机硅氟改性材料的合成
13. 2003-2004南开大学元素有机国家重点实验室开放基金项目:水相中氨基酸催化aldol 反应研究
14. 2005年完成江西省重点攻关项目:聚四氟乙烯微孔滤膜的研制
15. 2004 年完成江西省重点攻关项目:织物整理剂——有机氟硅乳液的研制
16. 2004 年完成江西省教委项目:氰硅偶联剂的研制
17. 2001-2003江西省自然科学基金项目:有机硅树脂支持的合成反应
18. 2001-2003江西省自然科学基金项目:有机硅树脂支持的合成反应
19. 1998-2000年完成江西省重点攻关项目: KBM802及巯基改性硅油的研
20. 1997-1998年完成江西省青年基金项目:新型氮氧自由基的结构与性能
21. 1996 –1997年完成江西省重点项目: 硅偶联剂KBM602、KBM603的合成
22. 1995-1996年完成省计委扶贫项目:黄麻纤维板材及其制品的研制
23. 1993-1994年完成江西省一级重点项目:氨基改性硅油的研制。
24. 1992-1993年参与并完成两项新药物中间体的研制:脒基硫脲和1,3-二氯丙酮的小试研制和工业化中试生产
1. 2017年国家自然科学基金项目:发展全氟烷基砌块导入新方法合成具有潜在生物活性的含氟喹唑啉衍生物(21362014)
2. 2013年度NSFC-NIH生物医学合作研究项目:探测血脑屏障功能的高灵敏成像剂的开发及其PET成像研究(81261120413)
3. 2013年国家自然科学基金项目:碳-氢活化导向偶联构建喹唑啉衍生物库及其生物活性研究(2012-2013)(21162012)
4. 2012年国家自然科学基金项目:第十二届全国氟化学会议 (21242404)
5. 2010年国家自然科学基金项目:N-杂环卡宾参与的若干有机反应(2010-2012) (20962010)
6. 2009年完成国家自然科学基金项目:神经退化疾病中的α-synuclein淀粉蛋白质小分子探针的研究(编号:20862009)
7. 2007年国家自然科学基金项目: 绿色溶剂中氨基酸及多肽催化不对称直接催化aldol类反应研究(20462003)
8. 2004年国家自然科学基金项目:水相及胶束中氨基酸及多肽直接催化aldol类反应(20342007)
1. 国家自然科学基金项目:基于喹唑啉氮氧偶极子导向的碳氢键活化串联反应合成新型功能杂环分子的反应及其应用研究(21762020)
2. 2017.1 横向:锂离子电池新型电解液研发及平台建设
3. 油茶样品与产品委托提取、纯化、分析测试
4. 江西省教育厅落地计划项目:锂离子动力电池高安全性有机硅基电解质材料研制(
2、江西省第四届普通高等学校优秀教材一等奖: 基础化学实验(Ⅱ)
1.一种卤代苯并[a]芴醇的制备方法(ZL 201210144087.0)
2. 一种2-烯丙基氨基吡唑并[5,1-a]异喹啉化合物的制备方法 (ZL201210133455.1)
3. 4-氰基喹唑啉衍生物的制备方法(ZL 20131019952.9)2018.3.27
4. 4-芳基-2-(2-(硫三氟甲基)芳基)喹唑啉的制备方法(ZL2016.1.1264709.8)2019.3。08
5. 一种1,2,4-苯并噻二嗪系列化合物的制备方法 (ZL 2016 1 0905924.5)2019.7.16
6. 一种3-位三氟甲基取代吲哚的制备方法ZL201510527880.2(2018.01-30)
7.喹唑啉衍生物及其制备方法和应用, ZL 2017 1 0493280.8 (2021-7-6)
8.2-(邻烷基芳基)苯并噻唑的制备方法 ZL 2016 1 0638620.7 (2021-10-26)
1. Palladium-catalyzed cross-coupling of 4-(tosyloxy) quinazolines with H-Phosphonates and Phosphine oxides: An efficient access to 2-(hetero)aryl-4-phosphorylated quinazolines, Synthesis 2022, 54, 788-796.
2. α‑Keto Acids as Triggers and Partners for the Synthesis of Quinazolinones, Quinoxalinones, Benzooxazinones, and Benzothiazoles in Water, J. Org. Chem. 2021, 86, 14866-14882.
3. Synthesis of Difluoromethyl-Substituted Quinazolines through Selective Difluoromethylation Synthesis 2021, 53, 2286-2292.
4. Rhodium(III)-catalyzed annulation of 3-arylquinazolinones with alkynes via double C–H activation: an efficient route for quinolino[2,1-b]quinazolinones, Org. Chem. Front. 2021, 8, 6837-6844.
5. Palladium-Catalyzed Cross-Coupling Reactions of 4-Tosyl-oxyquinazolines with Indoles: An Efficient Approach to 4-(1H-Indol-1-yl)quinazolines, Synthesis 2021, 53,383-390.
6. Phosphorus ligand-free Suzuki–Miyaura reactions in the presence of ABTS at room temperature in water, Can. J. Chem. 2021, 99, 491–495.
7. Catalytic Enantioselective Desymmetrization of Cyclobutane-1,3- diones by Carbonyl-Amine Condensation, Organic letters, 2021, 23, 1118-1122
8. Site-selective and diastereoselective functionalization of α-amino acid and peptide derivatives via palladium-catalyzed sp3 C–H activation, Org. Chem. Front. 2021, 8, 133-168.
9. Chiral Tertiary Amine Catalyzed Asymmetric [4 + 2] Cyclization of 3-Aroylcoumarines with 2,3-Butadienoate, molecules, 2021, 26, 489.
10. Generation of a Bovine Serum Albumin-Diligand Complex for the Protection of Bioactive Quercetin and Suppression of Heme Toxicity, Chemical research in toxicology.2021,34, 920-928.
11. Decarboxylative coupling of glyoxylic acid and its acetal derivatives : Aunique C1 formylation synthon, Tetrahedron, 2021, 91,132193.
12. Ligand-Controlled Regioselective Pd-Catalyzed Diamination Of Alkenes Orglett. 2020, 9371-9375.
13. Rhodium-catalyzed oxidative annulation of 1H-indazoles with alkynes for the synthesis of indazolo[3,2-a]isoquinolines via C–H bond functionalization, Org. Biomol. Chem., 2020, 18, 9863–9872.
14. Study on the interaction between 4-(1H-indol-3-yl)-2-(p-tolyl)quinazoline-3-oxide and human serum albumin, Biorg. & Med. Chem. 2020, 115720.
15. Rhodium-Catalyzed Merging of 2-Arylquinazolinone and 2,2-Difluorovinyl Tosylate: Diverse Synthesis of Monofluoroolefin Quinazolinone Derivatives, ACS OMEGA, 2020, 14635-14644.
16. The synthesis of isoxazolo[2,3-c]quinazolines via a cycloaddition of quinazoline-3-oxides and acrylates, Tetrahedron Lett. 2020, 151818.
17. Phosphine-Free Ru-Catalyzed Regio-and Stereoselective Addition of Benzoic Acids to Trifluoromethylated Alkynes toward Facile Access to Trifluoromethyl Group-Substituted (E)-Enol Esters, ACS Omega, 2020, 5, 4158-4166.
18. Directing-Group-Assisted Transition-Metal-Catalyzed Direct C–H Oxidative Annulation of Arenes with Alkynes for Facile Construction of Various Oxygen Heterocycles, Synthesis 2020, 52,993-1006.
19. Enantioselective Construction of Chiral Cyclopropa[c]coumarins via Lewis Base-Catalyzed Cyclopropanation, J. Org. Chem. 2020, 85, 14963-14970.
20. Supplementation of dietary nitrate attenuated oxidative stress and endothelial dysfunction in diabetic vasculature through inhibition of NADPH oxidase, Nitric Oxide 2002, 96, 54-63.
21. Total synthesis of 2'-O-methyl-beta-L-arabinosyluridine and reassignment the nucleoside from penicillium sp. as 2 '-O-methyl-beta-L-uridine, Phytochem. Lett., 2020, 36, 68-72.
22. Copper and manganese co-mediated cascade aza-Michael addition/cyclization and azidation of 1,3-enynes: regioselective synthesis of fully substituted azido pyrroles, Org. Biomol. Chem., 2020, 18, 8908–8915.
23. Copper(II)-Catalyzed Domino Synthesis of 4-Benzenesulfonyl Isoxazoles from 2-Nitro-1,3-enynes, Amines, and Sodium Benzenesulfinate. J. Org. Chem. 2020, 85, 13886-13894.
24. Three-Component Cascade Synthesis of Fully Substituted Trifluoromethyl Pyrroles via a Cu(II)/Rh(III)-Promoted Aza-Michael Addition/ Trifluoromethylation Cyclization/Oxidation Reaction J. Org. Chem. 2020, 85, 7658-7665.
25. Transition-metal-free synthesis of CMe2CF3-containing chroman-4-ones via decarboxylative trifluoroalkylation, Org. Chem. Front. 2020, 7, 487-491.
26. Advances in Chemocatalytic Asymmetric Baeyer-Villiger Oxidations, Adv. Syn. Cat. 2020, 362, 1015-1031.
27. External-photocatalyst-free visible-light-mediated aerobic oxidation and 1,4-bisfunctionalization of N-alkyl isoquinolinium salts, Org. Chem. Front. 2020,7, 2405-2413.
28. Advances in the catalytic asymmetric synthesis of quaternary carbon containing cyclobutanes, Org. Chem. Front. 2020, 7, 2576-2597.
29. Construction of Cyclopropa[c]coumarins via cascade Michaelalkylation process of 3-cyanocoumarin with 2-bromomalonate, Tetrahedron, 2020, 76, 130852.
30. Formation of a bovine serum albumin diligand complex with rutin and single-walled carbon nanotubes for the reduction of cytotoxicity, Biophysical Chem. 2020, 106268.
31. Catalytic Asymmetric Cyanation Reactions of Aldehydes and Ketones in Total Synthesis, Adv. Syn. Catal. 2019,361, 3281-3305.
32. Quercetin, but not rutin, attenuated hydrogen peroxide-induced cell damage via heme oxygenase-1 induction in endothelial cells Arch. Biochem. and Biophys. 2019, 676, 108157.
33. Synthesis of chiral quaternary fluorinated cyclic sulfamidates via palladium-catalyzed arylation with arylboronic acids, Terahedron Letters 2019, 60, 151280-151283.
34. Catalytic Asymmetric Synthesis of Isoindolinones, Chem. Asian J. 2019, 14, 1306-1322.
35. Quercetin, but not rutin, attenuated hydrogen peroxide-induced cell damage via heme oxygenase-1 induction in endothelial cells. Archives of biochemistry and biophysics 2019, 108157.
36. Transition metal-catalyzed sp(3) C-H activation and intramolecular C-N coupling to construct nitrogen heterocyclic scaffolds, Chem. Commu. 2019, 55, 13048-13065.
37. Synthesis of 2-Arylbenzothiazole and 2-Arylthiazole Derivatives via a Ru-Catalyzed meta-Selective C-H Nitration Reaction , J. Org. Chem. 2019, 84, 12784-12791。
38. Palladium-Catalyzed and Quinazoline-Directed C-H Selective Acetoxylation of 2-Arylquinazolines, Synthesis 2019, 51, 3865-3874.
39. Synthesis of Chiral β-Fluoroalkyl β-Amino Acid Derivatives via Palladium-Catalyzed Hydrogenation, J. Org. Chem. 2019, 84, 10371-10379.
40. Quercetin suppressed NADPH oxidase-derived oxidative stress via heme oxygenase-1 induction in macrophages, Archives of biochemistry and biophysics 2019,671, 69-76.
41. Rhodium-catalyzed regioselective ortho-allylation of 2,4-diarylquinazolines with allylic acetate Can. J. Chem. 2019. 97, 513-519.
42. One-pot regioselective C-H activation iodination-cyanation of 2,4-diarylquinazolines using malononitrile as a cyano source RSC Adv. 2019, 9, 18256-18264.
43. Iridium-Catalyzed Regioselective Synthesis of Trifluoromethylated Isocoumarins through Annulation of Benzoic Acids with Trifluoromethylated Alkynes Org. Lett. 2019, 21, 3043−3047.
44. Synthesis and Luminescent Properties of 6-Methoxy-quinazolinone-pyridine Difluoroboron Dyes, Chin, J. Org. Chem.2019, 39, 1444-1449.
45. Rh-Catalyzed C-H Amidation of 2-Arylbenzo[d]thiazoles: An Approach to Single Organic Molecule White Light Emitters in the Solid State, Org. Lett. 2019, 21, 2523-2527.
46. Enantioselective synthesis of trifluoromethylated dihydroquinoxalinones via palladium-catalyzed hydrogenation,Org. Chem. Front. 2019,6, 746-750.
47. Iron(III)-catalyzed Chemoselective Cycloaromatization Reactions for the synthesis of 5-Brominated Benzo[b]fluorenones, Adv. Syn. Catal. 2019,361, 1295-1300.
48. Diazo Compounds: Versatile Synthons for the Synthesis of Nitrogen Heterocycles via Transition Metal-Catalyzed Cascade C-H Activation/Carbene Insertion/Annulation Reactions, Adv. Syn. Catal. 2019, 361, 919-944.
49. Visible-Light-Induced, Manganese-Catalyzed Tandem Cyclization of 2-Biphenyl Isocyanides with Cyclopropanols for the Synthesis of 6-beta-Ketoalkyl Phenanthridines, Asian, J. Org. Chem.2019, 8, 385-390.
50. Copper-catalyzed cross-dehydrogenative coupling between quinazoline-3-oxides and indoles RSC Adv. 2019, 9, 5870-5877.
51. Anti-melanogenesis properties of condensed tannins from Vigna angularis seeds with potent antioxidant and DNA damage protection activities Food & Funct., 2019, 10, 99-111.
52. Copper-Catalyzed NaBAr4 -Based N-Arylation of Amines. Synthesis 2019, 51,538-544 .
53. Iron- catalyzed cascade addition/cyclization of 2-biphenyl isocyanides with toluenes: a highly efficient approach to 6-benzylated phenanthridines , Org. Biomol. Chem., 2018, 16, 8837–8844..
54. Direct C-4 alkylation of quinazoline N-oxides with ethers via an oxidative cross-coupling reaction under metal-free conditions, Org. Biomol. Chem. 2018, 16, 8724-8731.
55. Asymmetric Difluoroboron Quinazolinone-Pyridine Dyes with Large Stokes Shift: High Emission Efficiencies Both in Solution and in the Solid State, Chem. Eur. J. 2018, 24, 17897-17901.
56. Pd(II)/Norbornene-Catalyzed Meta-C−H Alkylation of Nosyl-Protected Phenylalanines, J. Org. Chem.2018, 83, 13211-13216.
57. Copper-catalyzed cross-coupling of chloramine salts and arylboronic acids in water: A green and practical route to N-arylsulfonamides Tetrahedron Letters 2018, 59,3694–3698.
58. Antityrosinase mechanism of omeprazole and its application on the preservation of fresh-cut Fuji apple, International J. Biological Macromole. 2018, 117 538–545.
59. Adsorption of Plasma Proteins on Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Reduced Cytotoxicity and Modulated Neutrophil Activation, Chem. Res. Toxicol. 2018, 31, 1061-1068.
60. Generation of a Diligand Complex of Bovine Serum Albumin with Quercetin and Carbon Nanotubes for the Protection of Bioactive Quercetin and Reduction of Cytotoxicity J. Agric. Food Chem. 2018, 66, 8355-8362.
61. Organocatalytic Asymmetric Reduction of Fluorinated Alkynyl Ketimines J. Org. Chem.2018, 83, 8688-86794.
62. Inhibitive Effects of Quercetin on Myeloperoxidase-Dependent Hypochlorous Acid Formation and Vascular Endothelial Injury, J. Agric. Food Chem. 2018, 66, 4933-4940.
63. Rhodium(III)-catalyzed C-H amination of 2-arylquinazolin-4(3H)-one with N-alkyl-O-benzoyl-hydroxylamines, Tetrahedron 2018, 74, 2330-2337.
64. Rhodium-catalyzed C–H bond activation alkylation and cyclization of 2-arylquinazolin-4-one, Org. Biomol. Chem., 2018, 16, 1851–1859.
65. An efficient route to quinoline-2-carboxylates via a rhodium-catalyzed oxidative [5+1] annulation of 2-vinylanilines with a-diazocarbonyl compounds, Tetrahedron 2018, 74, 348-353.
66. Fibrinogen binding-dependent cytotoxicity and degradation of single-walled carbon nanotubes. J. Materials Sci. Med. 2018, 29, 115.
67. An efficient route to 4-aryloxycoumarins via one-pot reactions of 4-hydroxycoumarins with hypervalent iodine reagents, Tetrahedrton Letters 2017, 58, 4020-4023.
68. Regioselective Synthesis of SCF3 -Substituted 2,4-Diarylquinazoline Using AgSCF3 as Trifluoromethylthiolation Reagent, Chin. J. Chem. 2017, 35, 1717-1725.
69. Rh(III)-catalyzed oxidative ortho-C-H alkylation of 2,4-diarylquinazoline with potassium alkyltrifluoroborates, Can. J. Chem. 2017, 95, 1052-1058.
70. Rhodium-catalyzed malonation of 2-arylquinazolines with 2-diazomalonates: double C-H functionalization, RSC Adv. 2017, 7, 27603-27607.
71. Quinazolinone derivatives: Synthesis and comparison of inhibitory mechanisms on alpha-glucosidase Biorg. & Medicinal Chem. 2017, 25 ,1303-1308.
72. Novel Insights into the Inhibitory Effect and Mechanism of Proanthocyanidins from Pyracantha fortuneana Fruit on alpha-Glucosidase, J. Food Sci. 2017, 82, 2260-2268.
73. Quinazoline-directed selective ortho-iodination for the synthesis of 2-(2-iodoaryl)-4-arylquinazolines. J. Orgnometallic Chem. 2017, 843, 20-25.
74. Nitrile as a Versatile Directing Group for C(sp2)-H Functionalizations, Adv. Syn. & Catlysis, 2017, 359, 3274-3291.
75. Rhodium(III)-Catalyzed ortho-C-H Alkylation of 2-Arylbenzothiazoles and 2-Arylthiazoles with Potassium Alkyltrifluoroborates. Synthesis 2017, 49, 2015-2024 .
76. Ru-catalyzed ortho-oxidative alkenylation of 2-arylbenzo[d]thiazoles in aqueous solution of anionic surfactant sodium dodecylbenzenesulfonate (SDBS). Tetrahedron 2017 73, 594-603.
77. Inhibition of tyrosinase by cherimoya pericarp proanthocyanidins: Structural characterization, inhibitory activity and mechanism, Food Research International, 2017, 100, 731-739.
78. Rifampicin as a novel tyrosinase inhibitor: Inhibitory activity and mechanism, International J. of Biological Macromolecules 2017, 102,425-430.
79. Inhibition of Myeloperoxidase- and Neutrophil-Mediated Hypochlorous Acid Formation in Vitro and Endothelial Cell Injury by (-)-Epigallocatechin Gallate. J. Agr. Food Chem. 2017, 65, 3198-3203.
80. Myeloperoxidase amplified high glucose-induced endothelial dysfunction in vasculature: Role of NADPH oxidase and hypochlorous acid. Biochem. Biophysic, Res. Commun.2017, 484, 572-578.
81. Enhanced electrochemical performance of LiNi0.6Co0.2Mn0.2O2 cathode at high cutoff voltage by modifying electrode/electrolyte interface with lithium metasilicate, Electrochimical Acta , 2017, 246, 27-34.
82. Polymerizable ionic liquids and polymeric ionic liquids: facile synthesis of ionic liquids containing ethylene oxide repeating unit via methanesulfonate and their electrochemical properties RSC Adv. 2017, 7, 5394-5401.
83. Controllable Brønsted acid-promoted aerobic oxidation via solvation-induced proton transfer: Metal-free construction of quinazolinones and dihydroquinazolinones, Molecular Catalysis 2017, 434,134-139.